Wild Fire
There different kinds of danger causes that can easily affect the Taiga biome. Some of these causes come from natural causes or from human causes. Such as lightning, when it strikes a tree it will cause a forest fire which can burn down the whole biome, or strong wind that can blow off mosses that keeps trees warm in the cold biome, and unhealthy soil from pesticide can lead to habitat loss. Also these dangers aren't just from natural, but from human causes such as industrial forestry and logging which is the greatest threat in the Taiga biome. Animals are being hunted for their fur which decrease the population and toxic gas has from factories create population. These destruction can affect people as well, because an unhealthy forest is a unhealthy community. To help save the Taiga biome we must decrease the amount of paper and wood products.
Forestry and Logging

Forestry and Logging
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