Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Producer in the Taiga Biome

        Evergreen Trees                                         PRODUCERS

     There are many producer found in the Taiga Biomes for examples there are the crowberry, blueberry, raspberry, Red Baneberry, Bracken Fern, Douglas Fir, Jack Pine, Balsam fir, and Lichen. Usually a producer such as the Evergreen is consume by moose and sometimes the berry bushes will get eaten by small  animals such as birds. The trees such as the the broad leaf or the birch trees have citric needles that small animals like to chew on, but some have sap which repels animals. The most common plant found is the conifer tree, which in the taiga biome has four types of conifer. Those four types are  spruces, evergreens, fir, and pine. All these producers can be able to    adapt in the cold biome. For example, the
evergreen can adapt in the taiga biome by keeping all there leaves, so the evergreen won't waste energy growing their leaves again, and they use the energy for structural growth than producing leaves. The dark green color of the evergreen absorb the sunlight and store it for photosynthesis.


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